Patterned wallpaper might make people think “oh, that’s going to look really dated”, however you can actually choose a curtain print that can brighten up the room and add an elegant touch.
One of the best things about wallpaper is that it can transform a whole room, even if it’s one feature wall in your home. You can choose to keep everything else completely minimal, yet the space will never look dull if there is that beautiful wash of colour. The first thing you’ll have to do is discover what style you want to go for.
If you want a feminine feel, a dainty Floral pattern might be more up your street to maintain a classy space without it being too overwhelming.
If you want to match your free-spirited nature, you might really love the Bohemian style patterns that bring a slight 70s feel into the mix.
If you want to be bang on trend and luxe, a brilliant colour palette for your patterned wall would be Metallics to bring that stylish yet sophisticated feel.
If you want to connect with your love of the outdoors, you might want to opt for a Nature themed wall which can either be very funky/tropical or simple/classic due to different leaf styles.
Or lastly, if you want to stay very classic, Monochrome could be a brilliant choice if you don’t want too much colour.
Here we will show you tips on how to create each look and make your room look incredible.
Tips for a Floral themed room:
- Only pick one wall for this because too much can make it look like the room is small and dated.
- Add real flowers to tie in with the trend and bring it to life
- Stick to 3 colours only in a wallpaper to stop it from getting too busy
- Balance the pattern with white decor or furniture with a vintage edge
Tips for a Bohemian themed room:
- Pick different brightly coloured accessories including bottle, pillows and even comfy throws for that hippy vibe
- Take a few risks with bold patterns that don’t always need to be colour co-ordinated with the wallpaper of your choice
- Include different calming elements to the mix, such as a buddhist ornament, different incense sticks and plenty of candles
- Reinvent old, tired pieces by giving it a wash with a turquoise or green colour to brighten it up.
Tips for a Metallic themed room:
- Mix with mid to dark wooden floors for that rustic, worn feel
- Buy different decorative accessories that are metallic. Mix and match with rose gold and silver
- Try out different abstract prints that don’t look too full on in a metallic shade
- Add a big, rustic silver mirror that opens up the room and reflects more light
Tips for a Nature themed room:
- Go for either a typical nature colours such as greens, oranges and browns to keep it cosy or add bold colours to add that tropical theme instead
- Team the patterned wall with furniture that has no pattern to keep it from looking messy
- Add different nature themed accessories and furniture, such as an oak coffee table
- Bring the extra warmth with candles
Tips for a Monochrome themed room:
- Stick to only 1-2 patterned walls to stop it from being too dark and gloomy
- Make sure you strike the perfect balance between light and dark accessories in the room
- Try adding one colour into the mix when it comes to accessories, such as jewelled or vibrant colours to bring warmth (which you can change whenever you want)
- Bring the luxe textures instead of pattern with fabrics such as wool, velvet and faux fur throws and pillows
Those were our interior design tips for each themed wallpaper. Which one is your favourite?